3.2's Party debate...
We split into 2 main parties just like there is in the House of Commons. We debated whether we should have a long lunch and go home at 3.30pm or whether we should have a very short lunch and go home at 2pm.
Miss Palmer's Party: Party Leader was Shiven!
This party debated the positive reasons for having a short lunch and going home at 2pm.
Shiven told us the main ideas that his party had and then people took it in turns to add in more of their own ideas and defend their ideas. |
Shiven and his party wrote their ideas on flipchart paper to help them remember their main points. |
Mrs Allen's Party: Party Leader: Aman!
We debated that it would be best to have a long lunch and stay in school until 3.30pm.
Our Party leader was Aman who shared our ideas with the other party. |
Miss Palmer's Party listened carefully to our points but had some very good points to convince us that it was much better to go home early. |
Objections to the main points.
We took it in turns to debate by putting our hands up and challenging the opposite party and their views.
Macie is objecting to staying in school until 3.30pm. |
We listened to the views of both parties and then put an x on our voting papers and folded them in half so others couldn't see what we voted for. We posted our voting papers in the box.
The count.
Go home at 2pm with a short lunch: 21 votes
Go home at 3.30pm with a long lunch: 6 votes
Spoiled Ballot paper: 2 papers (2 children didn't vote with an x so their vote could not be counted).
What do you think Mrs Chahal? Have we convinced you to change the school time table?